This week the guys go deep into an interesting post by Janaki Jitchotvisut entitled " 9 Myths about Celiac Disease..." published on the website "Insider". You will hear which of the "myths" Mike and Cam strongly agree with and which they think need slightly more clarification. Next week in part 2 of this series, they talk about the post, 13 "Harmless" Comments that Actually Hurt People with Celiac Disease, by Casey the College Celiac.
Mike and Cam are excited to be joined again by gluten free travel expert and blogger, Erin Smith. Erin talks about the steps that went into planning her completely gluten free wedding. In addition, Erin, Mike and Cam share their best tips for staying gluten free at these types of events.
Mike and Cam discuss Willem Karel Dicke, a pioneer in understanding that the gluten free diet is the key to treating celiac disease. In an article titled, "How Famine Under the Nazis Revealed the Cause of Celiac Disease," we see for the first time, how this great doctor used the tragic situation of the famine in the Netherlands to begin to really understand CD. We also compare Dicke's work to that of Dr. Sidney Haas who popularized the "banana diet" to treat celiac disease starting in the 1920s, and how that might ultimately still be holding the U.S. back.
Cam gives an update on the latest developments with his dog Lacy's gluten detection training. We find out what the biggest challenges to date have been and give more tips to listeners who are considering going down this road as well.