Mike's daughter and returning guest, Jessica, joins her Dad and Cam to talk about high school drama. But not the typical roller coaster, the celiac kind! Jessica shares her insights and how she stays positive despite some of the challenges she's encountered lately, including a teacher who made her happy she has a 504 Plan, tumbling into a misstep at gymnastics practice, and a big decision to make on whether to participate in a class trip.
Part 2 of Winter News and Notes is a jam packed episode filled with great stories and advice! Mike and Cam comment on an incredible email from a newly diagnosed listener with a house full of teenagers and a whole lot of unanswered questions. They also share lists of some of the top gluten free ballparks and some of their own tips on how you can be prepared and stay safe when heading out to a sporting event. You will also find out about the intriguing saga of KC Potato Girl and so much more!
We've got surprising updates plus great listener letters from our Mailbag. In part 1 of Winter News and Notes, Mike and Cam share the intriguing story of a woman who was diagnosed in High School, and still struggled as a graduate student until she was finally able to find excellent medical support in her area. They also give an update on some of the demographic breakdown of celiac disease and much more! Stay tuned for next week's show where the guys turn to thoughts of Spring, talking about safe gluten free options at ballparks and their advice on what to do before heading out to the old ballgame!
Mike and Cam welcome back Dr. Denis Chang and Vanessa Weisbrod from Boston Children's Hospital Celiac Disease Program. They continue their discussion about some of the top takeaways from the past year's International Celiac Disease Symposium (ICDS 2022). In part two they talk about a wide range of topics including oats, facts about dating with celiac, how Dr. Chang became the "TikTok Doc" and so much more!